On-Call Task Orders with TYLin (Grant Bailey) (Pages 354-360)
Recommended Action
That the Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) Board authorize the Executive Director to execute and make minor modifications to:
1. Amendment No. 1 to Project Work Order No. 23-OCE12-E01 with TYLin for technical support with transit signal priority (TSP) equipment on the State Route (SR) 29 corridor, increasing the contract value by $55,792 for a total amount not to exceed $100,000; and
2. Amendment No. 1 to Project Work Order No. 23-OCE12-E02 with TYLin for engineering staff support services, increasing the contract value by $130,370 for a total amount not to exceed $200,000.
Estimated Time
2:40 p.m.